
Understanding Krishna’s birth

romapada swami on understanding krishna's birth

When honoring Krishna Janmastami, we invariably recite the verse from Chapter 4 of Bhagavad-gita in which Krishna discloses the very special potency invested in His appearance pastime:

Bhagavad Gita 4.9
janma karma ca me divyam
evam yo vetti tattvatah
tyaktva deham punar janma
naiti mam eti so ‘rjuna

His janma is divyam – so extraordinary that if we can properly understand His divine appearance, we will not take birth again.

Often Srila Prabhupada would describe Krishna’s pastimes as being continuously enacted (nitya-lila) in some universe, somewhere, without cessation like a cinema spool. Comparison is likewise made to the rising of the sun. The sunrise is taking place somewhere on this planet on the Eastern horizon at every moment, without cessation; similarly, as Krishna’s appearance takes place here on earth once in a day of Brahma, Krishna is immediately appearing in some universe – similar to the sun’s rising at every moment.

That explanation sounds quite conceivable, yes?

We must remember, however, that Krishna is never alone. He is always with His devotees, His entourage of loving associates.

Therefore, a host of living entities accompany Him everywhere!

That is indeed inconceivable, when you consider that Arjuna and Kunti, for example, are jiva souls. Krishna’s exhibiting multiple phases of His lilas in multiple universes simultaneously is one thing; but what about the jiva souls who are accompanying Him? Can they possibly be in multiple universes simultaneously, too, with Krishna?

This very question was asked of SrilaPrabhupada by Giriraja Maharaja during a morning walk conversation in November 1975.  SrilaPrabhupada’s answer was that Arjuna expands himself into multiple Arjunas, simply to serve Krishna’s passtimes!

That is indeed inconceivable, for a conditioned soul!

Liberation of the soul is marked by the acceptance of inconceivable potencies within Krishna, As stated in BG 4.9, if you become qualified to understand Krishna, you can become liberated – in which state the multiple incarnations of jiva souls may also be understandable by you, too!

Then, along with Kunti and Arjuna, you shall also go to the spiritual world to serve Krishna eternally. This is the destination of the Pandavas and Kunti, described in Chapter 15 of Canto 1 Srimad-Bhagavatam, as well as in Jiva Goswami’s Krishna Sandarbha: as nitya-siddha bhaktas, after the Lord concludes His passtimes on earth, they attain the Lord’s eternal association in his spiritual abode.

Sri Krishna-janmastami tithi maha-mahotsava ki jaya!

About the author

Romapada Swami

Romapada Swami‘s first encounter with Krishna consciousness came in Buffalo, in the shape of a lecture at the State University of New York in 1969. The lecturer was His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. The following year, Romapada Swami joined the movement in Boston and was initiated in 1971. Despite being admitted as a pre-med student, he decided to follow his spiritual path 100% and never looked back. He took sannyasa in 1983 and became an initiating spiritual master in 1985.

Under Romapada Swami’s guidance, congregational groups of devotees of Krishna have grown in many places in the US and abroad, including Chicago, Washington DC, St. Louis, Seattle, Detroit, New York, New Jersey, Houston, Orlando, Tennessee, Boston, Hyderabad and Guyana.

More information on Romapada Swami is available on

1 Comment

  • Such elevated inconceivable topics, only revealed to those who genuinely want to understand and love Krishna, by Krishna’s mercy! I heard once that jnanis are attracted to the path of jnana because they want to challenge themselves, i.e. they believe the path to God has to be challenging. They mistakenly believe that the Bhakti path is too easy. This, and so many unlimited inconceivable qualities and pastimes of Krishna, makes me wish that these jnanis that want to be challenged also read these kinds of things and realize that there is plenty to be challenged on. But that we cannot overcome these kinds of challenges with our own minuscule strength.

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