Monk. Spiritual Leader. Motivational Speaker.
In the small town of Utica, New York, His Holiness Romapada Swami took birth as Brian Rumbaugh on December 27th, 1948. Romapada Swami was born into a middle-class, Christian family, and was the youngest of five children. Growing up in this pious household, Romapada Swami attended weekly church services and exhibited an attraction to God from an early age. Romapada Swami was a responsible, principle-centered, and high achieving young boy.
During his teenage years, Romapada Swami tried to understand and imbibe the Great Commandment. Romapada Swami deeply contemplated the Bible’s messages but his spiritual superiors were unable to answer his core questions about life in a satisfactory way. It was not until Romapada Swami met his spiritual master, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada (commonly addressed as Srila Prabhupada), that he found clear and convincing answers to not only his core questions, but many more.
Romapada Swami’s first encounter with Krishna consciousness was in 1969 in Buffalo, New York, at the State University of New York. Romapada Swami entered a crowded auditorium, to hear a lecture by Srila Prabhupada. This experience left a deep impression on Romapada Swami’s heart. The following year, Romapada Swami joined the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON). Romapada Swami was spontaneously and intuitively attracted.
Despite being admitted to medical school, Romapada Swami decided to give up pursuing his degree and committed himself to spiritual life. At this time Romapada Swami started living at the temple in Boston. Romapada Swami felt deep gratitude and an intense sense of appreciation for Srila Prabhupada and the sacrifices he made to bring bhakti yoga (the practice of devotional service) to the Western world. Romapada Swami’s decision for life was made. He decided to follow his spiritual path 100% and never looked back.
Romapada Swami was initiated by Srila Prabhupada in 1971. His devotional career began with book distribution, college outreach, and temple leadership for over a decade. In 1983, Romapada Swami accepted sannyasa, or the renounced order of life. In 1985, Romapada Swami became an official initiating spiritual teacher within ISKCON. Romapada Swami also served as a General Body Commissioner (GBC) for many temples within ISKCON.
Romapada Swami focuses on sharing the teachings of his guru, Srila Prabhupada, throughout the world. He traveled, and continues to travel extensively throughout the world addressing a wide range of audiences about bhakti yoga. Romapada Swami visits many robust, spiritual communities in several major cities aside from America, like Guyana, India, and China. He attracts a diverse set of individuals to the bhakti yoga practice and lifestyle.
Despite his intense travels and managerial duties, Romapada Swami has nurtured the devotional lives of many individuals for decades. Romapada Swami remains dedicated to college outreach and education. He has presented at many universities across the United States. Romapada Swami has also inspired many of these universities (Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), University of Illinois, Penn State, Northwestern University, Washington University in St. Louis, University of South Florida, to name a few) to begin Bhakti Yoga Clubs. Apart from college outreach, Romapada Swami has been a guest speaker at a number of Fortune 500 corporations. He also conducts several spiritually nourishing retreats and seminars throughout the year and leads annual pilgrimages to various sacred sites in India.
Romapada Swami’s focus is to ensure that everyone has the opportunity to learn the teachings of his spiritual master and to provide meaningful, practical methods through which everyone can develop their relationship with God.
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